Welcome to KD8RTT.com

I’m Tony Milluzzi, KD8RTT, an Extra Class ham currently residing in the Kansas City area. I’ve been licensed since 2012 and since then have tried out many parts of amateur radio from SOTA to satellites. I enjoy trying out new areas in the hobby, building electronics projects, and volunteering with the ARRL’s Collegiate Amateur Radio Program.

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VUCC Circle Checker Script

As a relatively active rover for satellite operations, I'm often looking to check whether a new location will be within my "VUCC circle" and be eligible to count for my home station VUCC certificate. Rule six of the ARRL's  VHF/UHF Century Club (VUCC) Award Rules...

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Activation Report: Prairie Spirit Trail SP (POTA K-2350)

Although technically a Kansas State Park entity, the Prairie Spirit Trail State Park is actually a 51 mile trail that connects Ottawa and Iola, Kansas and replaces the old railroad that used to link the cities. Along the way, this trail brushes up against several city...

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Activation Report: Hillsdale State Park (POTA K-2340)

As the first step on my mission to activate all Kansas State Parks for Parks on the Air, I decided to visit the park nearest to my home in the suburbs of Kansas City - Hillsdale State Park. This park has numerous RV and tent campsites as well as a few day areas spread...

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Activating All Kansas State Parks on Satellites

  Being a relatively recent transplant to Kansas (back in the fall of 2018), I've realized there is still much of the state I haven't seen. I've ventured down to Wichita and Topeka, but for the most part, I've only explored the Kansas City...

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Raspberry Pi METAR Ticker Display

When I was still in graduate school a few years ago, my office was in the center of a building which meant no windows and no way to quickly see the weather outside. This motivated me to make a project that would display the current weather on my desk. Being a pilot, I...

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