by Tony | Nov 25, 2020 | Amateur Radio, Satellites
I’ll be hitting a few more grids on Saturday, November 28th. I’ll try to keep this page up to date but plans are subject to change. Follow along on Twitter (@kd8rtt) for updates along the way including planned frequencies for linear sats. EN70/EN71 Grid...
by Tony | Nov 16, 2020 | Amateur Radio, Satellites
After a hiatus from the sats for a few months, I’m planning to hit some new grids during the weekends around Thanksgiving. These are tentative plans and subject to change. Follow me on Twitter (@kd8rtt) for real-time updates during the rove and frequencies for...
by Tony | Jul 22, 2020 | Amateur Radio, Projects, Satellites
I’m a big fan of the Arrow Antenna for satellite operations for its good performance and portability, but one issue that pops up is the constant need to tighten the elements. I leave my Arrow assembled in the back seat of my Honda Accord, so it loosens up on its...
by Tony | Jul 20, 2020 | Amateur Radio, Satellites
Day three of my 4th of July rove – and the 4th of July itself – led me to Prairie Dog State Park, an interesting park that’s named after the creatures that inhabit the area. After arriving, I headed to the Prairie Dog Town, a...
by Tony | Jul 19, 2020 | Amateur Radio, Satellites
After spending the night in Concordia, Kansas (see my 7/2 activations for more information on the preceding stops), I headed toward Webster State Park on the morning of July 3rd to grab some of the FM passes. After arriving and driving around a bit, I found the park...
by Tony | Jul 13, 2020 | Amateur Radio, Satellites
As the second stop on my 4th of July weekend rove after Lovewell State Park, Glen Elder State Park provided another nice place to give out the EM09 grid to many of my fellow satellite operators who needed it. I arrived in the middle of the day and quickly searched for...