After a hiatus from the sats for a few months, I’m planning to hit some new grids during the weekends around Thanksgiving. These are tentative plans and subject to change. Follow me on Twitter (@kd8rtt) for real-time updates during the rove and frequencies for the linear sats before the pass. I might also hit some or all of EN60, EN61, and EM49 the following weekend, so check back later during the week of Thanksgiving for details.
Saturday, November 21:
EM48/49 Grid Line 16:07Z XW-2A 16:30Z AO-91 EM58/59 Grid Line 20:32Z CAS-4B or 20:35Z CAS-4A (TBD) 20:51Z PO-101 or 20:53Z SO-50 (TBD) EM69 01:32Z CAS-4B or 01:35Z CAS-4A (TBD) 02:35Z XW-2A Other passes possible for skeds during the evening.
Sunday, November 22:
EN70/71 Grid Line
18:11Z RS-44